Saturday, April 25, 2015

Growing pains

Growing pains.

Photo credit:

Yes, growing can be painful sometimes... And during the rough patches it takes deep trust, endless patience and unconditional love to surrender to this process, to just let Mother Earth do the work, with it's timings, it's laws, it's mysteries, yes...

Yes we all know about the muddy days, the dark nights, the helpless times.... 
Yes we all know it will pass, it will change and... It does happen for a reason. Trust yourself, trust your baby, trust that you are growing together.

Photo credit:

Yes, growing can be painful, sometimes.

Motherhood is a blooming path, a transformation trip, an awakening process, a spiritual journey, full of challenges and full of joys.

The pains of recovering from giving birth, and it's scaring, the physical and the emotional scaring;
The pains of adjusting to the new dynamics of the family life;
The pains of the postpartum times, it's precious golden light and it's foggy blues;
The pains of getting the baby to latch on properly;
The pains of all day diaper changes, round-the-clock feedings...
The pains of the sleepless nights...
The pains of the helpless crying; the colic crises; the teething attacks; the tantrums, the meltdowns...

Photo credit: Bigley

Yes, growing can be painful, sometimes.

#sacredbeginnings is here to help healing together; to give gentle touch; to guide you massaging your baby; to help you CONNECT; to nourish you in a skin to skin, Mother to Mother HUG; to HONOR your path; hold space to all your fears; to uplift your days; to play the soothing sounds only mothers know...

Explore more of Sacred Beginnings program:


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