Thursday, June 4, 2015


1. Avery

2. Having a daughter who enjoys hugging me even when I look like crap.

3. Seeing completely pure creativity and imagination with zero fear of looking stupid or cynicism. 

4. The mama bear feeling.

5. Having Av sent me down a path of passion and inspiration, I wouldn't be here if it was not for her. 

6. Learning to slow down. 

7. Seeing things from a child's point of view. 

8. Not needing the damn phone all the time. 

9. Learning to trust my intuition 

11. Hearing her singing when she wakes up in the morning. 

12. Not giving a damn what other people think. 

13. Watching Av flip out when we go to the library & watching her read.

14. Seeing her eyes light up every time she spells out what is on a sign. 15. The spark of wanderlust having her ignited in me. 

16. Knowing that when I die, I leave the world in good hands with people like her. 

17. Learning to trust the unknown 

18. The responsibility of knowing I play a part in how she views herself and the world and in turn learning that I can change how I view myself and my world.

19. "My mama" 

20. The future.

Brianna Ecklid 

Mother to one.

Some time ago #sacredbeginnings asked the women in the tribe to make a list of 

I want to share a bit of the beauty that bloomed from this challenge...

So so grateful to this inspiration! What about you? How is your list?


Explore more of Sacred Beginnings program:

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