Monday, March 9, 2015

Honor Imbolc with your family

Next 4th February join me for RE-birth practices. If you are in the Northern hemisphere we will be welcoming Imbolc, and it is all about getting ready for SPRING.

The seeds we carried inside during winter have germinated and are now ready to see the light.

Start your day connecting to this ENERGY and maybe while your baby still sleeps choose your words to OFFER to Brigid, the bride of the bright arrow. 

Follow this prayer, or create your own, listen to your instinct and know there is no wrong way of worshiping the SACREDNESS OF LIFE.

"Bright Woman of quicksilver delight, shine upon me. Bless my morning like a new dawn, refreshing my Spirit and lifting my heart with a song."

"Bride of the earth,

sister of the faeries,

keeper of the eternal flame.

In autumn, the nights began to lengthen,

and the days grew shorter,

as the earth went to sleep.

Now, Brighid stokes her fire,

burning flames in the hearth,

bringing light back to us once more.

Winter is brief, but life is forever.

Brighid makes it so."

Offer your OPEN heart to the Goddess of the high raising flames.

"Mighty Brighid, keeper of the flame,

blazing in the darkness of winter.

I honor you Goddess, bringer of light, healer, exalted one.

Bless us now, hearth mother,

that we may be as fruitful as the soil itself, and our lives abundant and fertile."

Go to your Sacred Space and take a few moments with this inspiration for meditation:

"What NEW beginning do i need to make at this time?"

Get ready for your day being kind to yourself and gentle with your needs. Nothing to achieve, no struggle, no effort, only this Affirmation:

In the Name of the Maiden I will ENJOY the freshness of this morning.

Know that this, alone, is SACRED. 

This, alone, is enough.

Rituals are here to channel and manifest our intentions (our inner, unique world) so, do FOLLOW what speaks to your HEART (and nothing else!). 

Take this day to CELEBRATE Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and letting go of the old making way for the new.

DECORATE your house with white or yellow flowers. 

ENJOY Angelica, Basil and Myrrh.

PREPARE nourishing food with Pumpkin and Sunflower seeds. 

Bake muffins, scones, and breads (ad Raisins!). Share a glass of Spiced Wine (or the warmth of a Herbal Tea). 

WEAR Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx or Turquoise.

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to LIGHT every lamp in the house, or to light candles in each room in honor of the Sun’s rebirth.

Get the children involved, if you have snow outside, go for a walk looking for SIGNS of Spring.

PLAY, drawing images of the Sun on the snow.

Celebrate the New! Oh yes, the Spring is all about Sacred Beginnings.

See you in my rituals!

#sacredrituals #sacredlivingmovement #sacredpregnancy


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