Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Moon time

Today is a day for BALANCE. 
A day of Perfect balance between night and day, light and darkness...

Take some time to think about what does this means to you (it is a great time to meditate) when do you feel more in balance? (And when was the last time you felt it?)

Today (March 20th) there is a potent energy available for us, we will experience the Solar eclipse and a New Moon in Pisces and  
The spring (vernal) equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere (the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere).

Create #newfamilytraditions with an Equinox ritual:

Just a few moments before the exact moment of the equinox go outside with a raw egg - this is so much fun, the kids are going to love it - find a place in the ground and balance the egg upright by simply setting it down on the ground. I mean it! It will stand up all by itself. 
I remember doing this with my brother when I was a child and thinking "he knows magic" ;-) 
This is possible thanks to the balancing of the earth's gravity midway between the extremes of light and dark (Sun and Moon). 
This Egg is a symbol for new life and fertility, a symbol o #newbeginnings ... 

During the eclipse times nature turns within and you might feel you need extra REST. There are many animals that just sleep during this time and even some that choose to fast. Be mindful of what you eat as the eclipse seams to make digestion slower.

This is a time when the EMOTIONS come to the surface so keep track on your thoughts, your feelings, your plans. 
Keep in mind - do we tend to forget? - this energy affects everyone... So be gentle with yourself and others. 
More tantrums and meltdowns at your place? Gently guide your children for activities that can help them, like yoga (balancing), playing in nature (grounding) or engaging in little projects (creativity channeling emotions).

This is a day to welcome balance, create your spell to attract this energy into your life. 
And believe in it, share it here (if you wish to) sharing it into the world makes it more powerful.

May I always be able to find balance between my life's excitements (traveling, writing, enjoying my son) and my needs (self care, self love, inner peace).

Happy Moon Love everyone.

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