Monday, March 9, 2015

Honor Lammas festival with your family

Join me celebrating the BOUNTY of life. 

If you are in the Southern hemisphere enjoy Lammas festival, and it is all about welcoming AUTOMN! Some say it's today, some say it's on the 4th... check what your skies tell you, but truly it's beyond time :-)) 

Start your day looking at Summer and what it means to you. Choose one song that for you embodies this season's ENERGY and DANCE to it! Get the kids involved (I don't know about you, but dancing meditations are one of the spiritual practices, sometimes the only one!, that I manage to do with the family).

Go to your sacred space and take some time to journal about your feelings on season changing (remember your safe space can happen inside your head, while preparing a meal or nursing a baby).

This Lammas celebration is also during a full moon so all emotions around this will be heightened...

This is the time to see whether our spring and summer activities of this year in fact gave us the harvest we look for. 

Did you follow your heart, and did your deep desires brought you to where you are now? It is time to LET GO of what no longer serves you, and select the seeds you want to get ready for the coming season of darkness.

DECORATE your space with gold and yellow colors.

BAKE a loaf of bread on Lammas. If you've never made bread before, this is a good time to start! Honor the source of the flour as you work with it: remember it was once a plant growing on the mother Earth. <3

If you have a garden, add to your bread something you've harvested, can be herbs, or onion or corn . If making bread it's not your thing make gingerbread people, or if your hands are full, make popcorn instead! What's most important is intention. All that it takes to enter SACRED TIME is awareness of the meaning of your actions. 

Celebrate the new, every season is a Sacred Beginning!

See you in my rituals!




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