Friday, March 6, 2015


Do you sometimes feel you are "just a mom" and dream of a career, a long trip by yourself, or just a night of uninterrupted sleep...? but what if I told you that you are, everyday, every minute of your day, doing the amazing sacred work not only of being a mother but of a healer... Of humankind... Literally healing Mother Earth...?
Read this, i promise it will bring new light to the sacred nature of your work.
"Just because we have forgotten the sacred dimension of life does not mean that we do not experience its consequences. Our addiction to materialism can be seen as a direct consequence of a life without sacred meaning, where joy has been lost and instead we are left with a constant pursuit of consumer driven desires. If the needs of our soul were met by the SIMPLE exchanges of DAILY LIFE – the SACRED RITUALS of cooking or caring for others – would we be so endlessly hungry for surface distractions? Would the toys of materialism have such a grip if life was more fulfilling?
At its deepest level this planet has the potential to give meaning and purpose to our souls as well as nourish our bodies. This has always been understood by traditional cultures that were rooted in the sacred. Many of their rituals of daily life as well as their spiritual practices were enacted for the purpose of LOOKING AFTER the sacred nature of creation, KEEPING THE BALANCE between the worlds. When the Pomo Indians made baskets, the women would go out and pray over the grasses before they cut them. As they wove the baskets, they prayed over them. The basket wove together the PHYSICAL and the SPIRITUAL parts of life.
(...) we are in danger of forgetting that we live in this world of wonder and mystery, a world that should NOURISH our souls as well as our bodies.
We will each have our own way of making this offering. There is, for example, a simple practice of WALKING in a sacred manner: when with every step we feel the connection with the earth under our feet, and sense its sacred nature. Then we recognize how we are walking on a planet that supports our body and our soul. Even on the concrete sidewalks of our cities we can feel this deeper connection, this deeper belonging. The Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh expresses this with direct simplicity: “The miracle is not to walk on water, but to walk with love on earth—as if your feet are kissing the ground. We must remember that our PRESENCE alone is a miracle. We must learn to say ‘Yes’ to the miracles of life.”
The sacred oneness of life is within and all around us. Sometimes walking alone in nature we can feel its heartbeat and its wonder, and our steps become steps of remembrance. Sometimes we feel this connection when we feel the earth in our hands, as when we WORK IN THE GARDEN tending our flowers or vegetables. Or when we COOK, preparing the vegetables that the earth has given us, mixing in the herbs and spices that provide flavor. Or MAKING LOVE, as we share our body and bliss with our lover, we may feel the tenderness and power of creation, how a single spark can GIVE BIRTH.
There are so many ways to RECONNECT with the sacred within creation, to LISTEN within and include Earth in our spiritual practice and daily life. WATCHING the simple wonder of a dawn can be an offering in itself. Or when we hear the chorus of birds in the morning we may sense that deep joy of life and AWAKE to its divine nature. While at night the stars can remind us of what is infinite and eternal within us and within the world.
Whatever way we are drawn to wonder, to recognize the sacred, what matters is always the ATTITUDE we bring to this intimate exchange. It is through the HEART that a real connection is made, even if we first make it in our feet or hands. Do we really feel how we are a part of this beautiful and suffering planet, sense its need?
Our present ecological crisis is CALLING to us and it is for each of us to respond. There is action to be done in the outer world, but action should come from a RECONNECTION WITH THE SACRED – otherwise we will just be repeating the patterns that have created this imbalance. There is work to be done within our hearts and souls, the foundational work of HEALING the soul of the world. As Wendell Berry has said: “The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Spiritual Ecology
With Love.

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