Monday, March 9, 2015

Karuna: The Mother-Child Sacred Love affair



Let's talk about Love. Karuna love.

"Karuna is the Tantric term for the basic quality of mother-love, directly experienced in infancy and ramified in adulthood to embrace all forms of love: touching, tenderness, compassion, sensual enjoyment, and eroticism."

Did you know this? Sages from Tantric Religion (yes, there is much more to tantra than tantric sex!) called our loving and caring instinct "karuna". And this... ability to Love, according to them, must be learned through physical (and also sexual) contact comfort, by adults and children alike. 

So the way they put it is clear: adequate sexual functioning in adulthood depends on satisfactory relations with the mother in infancy (and this can be noticed also looking into the animal world). 

Isn't this fascinating?! 

For me this brings light to what I felt inside, since I saw my son (or before that, since I was pregnant... or before, since conception... or before, since I dreamed of him for the first time...) this, my Iove for my child, is another level of LOVE. The unconditional one, yes, but more than that, it felt like activating the first... felt like finding the... Source.

Yes, can we say a Mother is a Child's first Source of Love? I am sure we all agree with this one (and I love that it contains several truths and different layers of possible readings in it, from the more down to Earth to the complete spiritual Light of it).

Ancient wisdom totally credits the mother-child relationship for our capacity to Love, to be inlove, to fall inlove (and I say to rise from love also). Everything from this first connection (this beginning) is sacred: the intimate physical attachment, the complete trust, the dependence.

Wow! And this is going to be my inspiration for The Love Month! And for a week, till Valentine's Day, I will be daily sharing on this... Karuna, the mother-child sacred love affair.

Oh please and if you fell inspired CREATE your daily inspirations and SHARE with us your #motherchildSacredLove


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