Monday, March 9, 2015

Was your dog your "first baby"?

Was your dog your first baby? Your first experience on providing for another being, your first learning on unconditional love? Mine was. Oh I had dozens of dogs before I became a mother to a human baby and I have learned so much from them: learned about birth and it's miracles; about daily needs of nourishment and it's basic needs; about grieving and it's feelings of loneliness and helplessness...
I was reading today on Tibetan traditions for the New Year (also celebrated now) and just found out that in their unique practices for this time that they also have a special honoring day for dogs! It is just so beautiful! They share the new year meal with them and believe that the food the dog eats will predict something in the following year. Cheese for good livestock breeding; barley for good harvest; dry peach for good luck... Did you know that also in Nepal dogs are worshiped once a year as messenger from the Gods? It happens around the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali, and dogs are offered flower garlands, blessed with tikka in their foreheads and given delicious foods. Special poojas are performed to honor these beautiful souls and I agree, we couldn't have sweeter masters living with us. I simply love these rituals and are absolutely inspired to #createnewfamilytraditions dedicating sacred time to my sacred pets, honoring their teachings about love, not only on how to love but how to enjoy being loved.
Can you imagine creating this family tradition with your children? And if you don't have a pet right now and cannot enjoy these blessings think of the possible ways to still give this gift to your child (and to an animal), as a #sacredbeginnings. We cannot have a pet at home right now so me and my son walk the dog from the local VET clinic everyday, it is so touching to watch their friendship grow. We did foster care for two puppies for a couple of weeks, and you can always offer pet sitting to your neighbor's pets... it is always possible... to create these #sacredrituals in our lives and join the #sacredlivingmovement . Sending love, to you and to all dogs you meet in this life.

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