Friday, March 27, 2015

Yoga and motherhood


Do you practice yoga? Do you do it with your children? Does it feel it is part of the past or that you need it now more than ever?

I am looking to share stories of yogi mothers and their tips to inspire US! (yes, sometimes it also looks impossible to me!)

Today Filipa Veiga from Yoga-Me:

"Rita D. wrote me a message that left me with such a tender feeling. 

"Dear Philippa, yesterday I went to the harvest the vines of my grandmother, I came home late but still read your article and today at 6:00 am I was drinking hot water with lemon and after practicing drank my green juice :)» 

the secret of life is in these small things, small changes, step by step. that gives us energy, make us healthy, in the long term, happy. because we feel good. great Rita I am so happy for you and you inspire me to also continue being here! 

this message made me dedicate my post today to mothers. mothers, like me, with small children that require a lot of attention and a lot of us. mothers, like me, struggling a huge list every day of things to deal with, not knowing where time. mothers, like me, who arrive at the end of the day exhausted and often without time to take care of ourselves. 

my secret? it takes discipline and the first thing is my morning yoga practice. i wake up before everyone in the house, 5 am is normal for me (often earlier). that one hour and a half will give me strength and good energy for the rest of the day. I take a shower, drink my water, do my yoga practice (could be taking a walk, doing home exercises, meditation). i take my time. i listen to the sounds of the raising day. when I wake up my daughters, I am strong and prepared for the day that will no doubt have surprises and joys and annoyances. it will always be so.

and my discipline is stronger every day, because every day, every month and year I feel I'm doing the best for myself and those around me. 

Rita also wrote me "when I read your story I confuse your life with mine. Grateful for your sharing. I would like that you share about your routine as a mother. not eating after 19h00, despite imagining how good it would be for me, I see it difficult because my husband always comes home late".

I understand you so well Rita. Here at home we had the same issue. so we have days and we should be flexible (quality that comes with the practice of yoga). 

we started the transformation years ago. slowly. with time my husband realized how important it is for me and girls to eat early. we changed. somedays of the week we wait for him, others not (we love our movie nights the 3 together:). be creative! manage your life with your heart.

with time, i can tell you Rita, your husband will begin to arrive earlier. he will see the good it brings to the family. and will want to join. if not, don't stress. there is a bright side to everything! if he arrives home with all set, he has time to enjoy the kids, play, talk, read them a story. quality kids time. and after putting them to bed, you have him for you. the couple also needs. one day the children will grow up and everything changes again."

~ Filipa Veiga

Share your #yogimama #sacredrituals and how they help you to enjoy all #sacredbeginnings

Text and images found at Yoga-Me, and you can find more of Filipa's inspiring life in Bali here:


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